Posts Tagged ‘ Arizona ’

An Open Letter to Arizona

Dear Arizona,

I hear you recently passed a new law that “cracks down” on Illegal Immigrants. And being that you are Arizona and you elect people like John McCain to the Senate over and over, I knew I was in for something interesting from the get go. But really Arizona, this time you have out done yourself. You went ahead and made it okay for the Police to stop anyone who looks like a Mexican, oh, I mean “suspicious,” and ask them to show their papers. TO SHOW THEIR PAPERS! Really Arizona? I mean, you guys have a large Tea Party population that loves to put little tiny Hitler mustaches on our President. Didn’t any of them tell you that “show me your papers” might as well have been the official Nazi slogan?

I know you guys are concerned about Illegal Immigrants jumping the fence and stealing away all those awesome jobs that you’re dying to do like cutting grass, burping babies, or working “freelance” at the local home improvement store, but this really isn’t the way. How in the hell is a Police officer suppose to correctly point out somebody who looks like an Illegal Immigrant? I went to school with plenty of Mexican kids and they all looked like regular kids. And their parents looked like regular parents. It’s not like Illegal Immigrants have a special scent or dress code. There’s no such thing as a “Illegal-dar.” What you basically just did was made it okay to racially profile against all Mexicans and even people who look Mexican. And I hate to be the one to break this news to you, but that’s not okay.

Look, I know you guys are a red state and everything and are very unlikely to take advice from some random liberal College Student with a blog, but this law is just not okay. It’s more than not okay, it’s wrong. It’s unethical. It’s racist. I’m all for State Rights, but you guys seriously need to repeal it and come up with some better, less Nazi-ish ideas. Until then, I hope everyone boycotts your ass and you suffer economic hell for being so damn stupid. I mean, really?
